Small cute thing | How About Orange

July 22, 2009

Small cute thing

I made this tiny mushroom pincushion from a bottle cap, following Jen Segrest's step-by-step photos on Flickr. I had to add a step that wasn't part of the directions, which was to open up a living room pillow and steal some of the batting to put in this. As a pincushion, I know it's not the most useful ever, but who can resist a teeny little stuffed mushroom made of felt?


Tracie said...

Very cute!!!!

Linda said...

Too cute ♥
Thanks for making the world a bit more fun :)

Courtney said...

you are like the robin hood of crafters with that batting trick.

Jessica Jones said...

Exactly. The other couch pillows looked at me in fear, but my pincushions cheered.

Diane of Crafty Passions said...

So gosh darn cute!

Grandma G said...

Just don't eat it. ;-)


Whitney @ Whisker Graphics said...

Beyond cute!
Would it be any more useful if a ring piece was glued to the bottom so you would wear it on your finger while sewing? Or does that just take the cute right out of it?

Carol Anne said...

eek! Too cute! I love it

♥ Megkip said...

How cute! :D

Sarah Bonn said...

I'm going to make something like that for my niece. She's just starting to sew by hand and has a very small amount of space in which to keep things. Thanks!

Bridget said...

I found directions to make a little mushroom like that on etsy's blog. I made a red, blue, green, and an orange one. theyre really cute!!!

Sarah said...


When I posted this (orange) pic, I thought about you.

Melanie said...

What a great blog!! Congrats on the H&G article, and this is indeed an irresistible small cute thing.

Sally said...


Claire - Matching Pegs said...

I love the little bottle cap pincushions for my needles, because they can't get lost and start coming out the other side.

The mushie is a very cute idea.

Green Girl said...

awww, this is a cool project. so cute:)

Karin said...

That is really cute indeed. I think I'm going to make some of those one day too. Although, I'm afraid that could turn out into a complete forest of those little ones. Hmm, have to think about how bad that would be...

susan said so said...

ADORABLE! Mushrooms are just cute anyway, but this one's even beter because it's actually useful!

Love your blog, btw! : )