July 10, 2009

Quiz: Guess the movie

Do you love the cinema? Do you love typography? A Friday time-waster for you: guess the movie based on a letter from its poster. (And I think from now on I shall use words like "film" and "cinema" when chatting about movies I've seen. It will make me sound much smarter. For example, "After viewing the film Zoolander at the cinema, I purchased it for our motion picture collection." Sounds smart, right? Except for the Zoolander part.)


  1. If by 'smart' you mean 'British', then yes, of course.

  2. Ooo, good idea. I will add a British accent and then sound SUPER smart.

  3. It's a cute idea, but the implementation is very poor. I put in correct answers for several options, and they were marked as incorrect, despite spelling, punctuation, and capitalization being identical to the names on the posters. Boo. :(

  4. I could only get 12. I passed it on to my movie buff friend to see if he could do any better
    Thanks for a bit of Friday fun!

  5. Did you come up with the name of your blog from a musical group called solar fields?

  6. I cannot even muster the energy to click on that link. but I will start using the word cinema more often if you think it will help. I may even start saying 'shedule' instead of 'skedule'.

  7. Did you ever stop to think that there is more to life than being really really ridiculously
    good looking?

  8. Larissa: Excellent plan.
    Christine: Yeah! Like opening a school for kids who can't read good!
    Wehaf: That's random. And I'm sorry to say the idea of mixing fruit and chocolate and coffee all together sounds a little bit revolting to me, but the basic premise is good. I'm going to walk down the street and get a Frappucino right now. Not kidding. I have a coupon. Bye.

  9. Hi Jess, I can't tell if you are pulling my leg or not, but "orange mocha frappucino" is from Zoolander. :)

  10. It IS?!?!?!??! Wow, I can't remember that part! I'll have to watch it again. Sorry I missed the reference. I thought your comment was funny just for its wacky randomness. (I did go have a Frappucino, though. :)

    And hey, Anonymous, never heard of Solar Fields. But if they like orange, maybe I'll like them.

  11. Ugh. I only got 7. And I teach film. UGH!

  12. Yes but Zoolander is way funny and shows that while being smart you also have a funny side.

  13. Yes, definitely British. Unless you were a very old Brit, in which case you might say "picture house"....
