June 26, 2009

Fun books

I've been flipping through review copies of some nifty craft books. Take a look.

You can learn to knit crazy animals and, um... people? in The Knitted Odd-bod Bunch by Donna Wilson. They're so wacky that I think I love them.

The Perfect Apron by Rob Merrett features 35 apron projects that vary from simple to frou-frou. With so many to choose from, one of them probably is your perfect apron. The book has tear-out patterns and templates, too. Nice.

And so that men-folk don't feel neglected, I present to you ManCrafts, reprinted from WWII-era Popular Mechanics articles. Learn about leather tooling, block printing, braiding and knotting, and most essential: fly tying. Full of great wisdom, such as, "The true woodsman has great respect but no fear for his axe," and "Fly tying is one of the most interesting and useful of all the handicrafts." Really? Mentally noted.


  1. Fly tying is an excellent craft for women too!

  2. Maybe you should give Pa the ManCrafts book? He could tie his fly.


  3. I love the aprons! They would look super cool in your fabrics! Hmmm. Have you thought of designing an apron to add to your etsy shop?

  4. wow those are an awesome array of books personally I would go for the Knitted odd-bod bunch!

  5. Thanks for sharing these Jessica! The ManCrafts looks like an awesome little time capsule.... I'll put it on the Christmas list for the mister.

  6. wish I could sew. I just staple and tape everything.

  7. Jessica-these books are great. Thanks for sharing. May I borrow Grandma G? Her comments always crack me up!

  8. Becky, I'm waiting to hear what Jess says on this. I don't think I've ever been borrowed before! Does this mean you want me to come to your blog and leave a bunch of wise-crack comments? ;-)

    After I typed that, I just had a strange thought (nothing new for me, BTW)... does "wise-crack" = "smart-butt"? There seems to be a similarity there if you visualize it.

    Maybe you DON'T want to borrow me! ;-)

  9. So, Jess, does this mean you'll want to borrow my collection of actual WWII-era Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines?

    I think today's guy would really enjoy them, actually. Especially if he enjoyed making explosives.

  10. Becky, you can have her for a short time, but you have to give her back.

    Mahan, excellent. What could be better than explosives?

  11. Interesting and funny post. It has a nice collection of funny as well as useful books. Thanks for sharing.
