October 07, 2008

Etsy purchase

New arrival at my house: this Upsala Ekeby cup, made in Sweden in the '50s. A week or so after I made these, I saw it on etsy and fell in love! Honestly I don't set out to make retro-looking designs; when I draw stuff out of my head it just comes out that way. I should probably stop that, but it's hard when it's subconscious.


  1. Great cup!

    I think your designs are awesome. They've got a nice retro but modern look to them.

    I especially love your new fabric! :)

  2. I love your cup! I found a plate in the same pattern at my local flee market. Unfortunately it broke, but I'm using for a design.

  3. Great pick! :-)

    I've recently fallen in love with that exact Upsala Ekeby mod floral pattern as well. Through a fit of good Google karma, I managed to find the name of the pattern: Bellis.

    I'm currently stalking a bowl with this pattern, but it's on a Japanese site and I'm not sure if I can bear the awful exchange rate.

  4. Cute!
    It's strange, isn't it? My grandma had cupboards stuffed full of plates etc with designs like that and I just didn't appreicate them properly at the time!

  5. The cup is fantastic.
    I bought two on ebay similar to this, but with a blue theme.

  6. such simple and pretty design, really lovely.

  7. It is very common with fleamarkets ("loppis") in Sweden, some people go on loppissemester, flea-marketvacation. They drive through Sweden and stops at every loppis on the way. These sort of things as your wonderful cup is not so hard to find. Come on over! Have a nice day.

  8. The flowers are cute, but I think my favorite thing about that cup is its shape. I'd like a matching set, please. : )

  9. Ewa, that sounds so wonderful! I would LOVE that.

  10. I tagged you as a favorite blog. I love seeing what you are going to post next. I know you've probably been tagged a gagillion times, though! but if by some miracle you haven't, see the rules here:

  11. Do you know if you google

    Upsala Ekeby Bellis

    English only results

    you are the #3 link?!

    I tried because this cup is so cute I'd love to find some of my own.

  12. That's ridiculous. Definitely not going to help people who want to find some! But I guess I should be flattered.

  13. Jess, I think you have a touch of YOUR Grandma G in you. If you ever go on a loppissemester, you'd better take her with you! :-)


  14. Will do! That would be SO MUCH FUN!!

  15. I love your designs! How funny that this cup is so similar!

  16. your drawings are great! the cup is beautiful.

  17. So cool, Jess: so you!

    It's that hidden symmetry of the subconscious...

  18. this is adorable! i really really like it a lot!

  19. I LOVE that cup!!! it needs some good coffee to go with it! :)

  20. Hi!

    Love the cup - look at my Polish copy tea service here!!


    Also I made the bag from tinyhappy's tutorial too - you can see results on a more recent post at palebluepaper

    Best wishes!

  21. Love the cup, and your designs. I have a huge collection of psychedelic 60s cups and they are totally my inspiration.

  22. I have a jug with that design, and have to admit that it's been verrrrry inspirational to me!

    Adding you to my bloglines today, btw. Why it's taken me so long is anyone's guess.

  23. I love this cup to pieces! I went to a rummage sale this week and got a VERY cool vintage coffee cup : ). I think I am going to go put some coffee in it right now!

  24. lovely cup
    and all cute stuff
    love the colors

  25. I wonder if your etsy box in your side bar is created by a widget? If so, where di you get it?


  26. You need to have an etsy account. On the "your etsy" page, there should be a link in a sidebar towards the bottom called "Etsy Mini". Click it and you'll see how to customize your mini widget. It will give you some html code you can copy. Then go to your blog's layout page, create a new html page element, and paste in the code.
