September 02, 2008

Spray painted picture frames

I bought these gold plastic frames (below) at a thrift store and gave them a few coats of spray paint. They were, um, stunning before, but everything is better in orange. Try it—spray painting is fun! Just make sure you get spray paint that's formulated for the type of surface you're painting. Apply several light coats of paint, waiting about 30 seconds in between. Your project will be dry in about 10 minutes, and set in an hour. I used Krylon Fusion for Plastic, purchased at our local Ace Hardware.

Now I just need to make some kind of pictures to frame with these. Then I'm off to take a bath in a giant flower.


  1. that color is lovely :) orange is always an improvement in my book!

  2. I used to do that with my old wooden frames too! It's hard finding places to spray paint in apartment complexes nowadays though. :\

    1. I live in an apt too. I spray smaller projects like these in a large box outside, of course. Wait about minutes for it too dry a but, then bring the whole box back inside to finish curing. I still try to open a window tho. Good luck!

  3. I have actually thinking about doing this. I want a "frame wall" and thought this would be the best way to do it.

  4. I have collected lots of wooden frames, big and small, from yard sales this summer. They are different styles, but thought if I paint them all in one color, they will become a set. Then my house will become a gallery! :)
    Love the orange!

  5. i love bathing in flowers. the only problem is when there is a tough stamen :(

    good luck - can't wait to see the end result!

  6. much better in orange! nice find, too!

  7. If I were the sort of person who wore a holster, I'd have a can of spray paint in each slot. Is it bad that I have an ENTIRE CABINET of spray paint colors?

  8. You really have got me sold on orange!! Love it :)

  9. Can't wait to see what you put in the frames!

    The giant flower looks soooo inviting. :-)

    Love 'n miss you,

  10. spray paint for plastic was the best thing that has ever happened to us.

  11. Love it! I had a cheap, gilded-gold frame that I sprayed turquoise. I smile every time I see it.

  12. Those frames look *amazing*!!! I love it, but I must admit, I would never have thought to spray paint hideous frames. Just fantastic!

  13. Oooh, I wonder if you can get that spraypaint here....?

    I (embarrassingly) went through a gold frame phase. It didn't last too long but in that time I bought three matching frames and one massive framed mirror that I've been wondering how to paint. I'm a black and white girl. I just have to decide: Black, or white?

    This stuff might just be the answer!

  14. the frames look great in orange, particularly that shade of orange.

  15. what a cool idea!

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  16. Hi there..
    I collect old frames too..I painted mine aqua blue and use them for jewelry displays!!!

  17. I dunno if the hubby would approve of you bathing in a flower, Jess. After all...


    "Stamen-chanted evening, you may see a stranger..."

  18. I have a collection of frames saved, but no house yet to put them in. Can't wait to do something like this.

  19. Wow, these all look great! Just the inspiration I need to go shopping and pick up some frames!

  20. thrift shop finds are always a treat-- and always great when modification makes them even more fabulous.

  21. Orange made it come alive, nice job.

  22. I just love dropping by here every now and then, just letting you know I've just added you to my worthy links on my blog just now.

  23. The only thing I love more than spray paint is spray adhesive! We must be soul sisters, because I believe anything can be made nicer with a coat of spray paint!

  24. Mahan, that's very punny. Ha ha. Nice one!
    Ann, thank you.

  25. This is one of my favorite easy facelift projects. I have quite a few used-to-be-ugly-gold-frames around that I have shot with spray paint! They look great! :)

  26. I'm so doing this! Frame and spray paint already purchased.

  27. I am wanting to spray paint a 2.5m x 2m mirror - do you have any tips and do you think it will work - it is an expensive mirror and want it to look professional

  28. Can you detach the frame from the glass for painting? I'd sand the frame first to rough up the finish so the paint will stick. (I'm assuming it's wood) Then probably use spray on primer, though some brands of spray paint say you won't need it, so then you wouldn't have to. I like to cover all my bases, though. Then your color. Apply many thin, blotchy coats instead of fewer thicker ones. You don't want drips! It will look horrible after the first couple coats, but will get filled in by the end.
