Play the Color Sense Game | How About Orange

June 02, 2008

Play the Color Sense Game

Take a little quiz here to discover your "color personality." You'll "discover your color preferences based on your five senses, your interests, and your style." Your results are translated into a paint color palette to help you decorate. For inspiration, you can also see rooms done in those colors.

It turns out I value warmth, friendship, freshness and balance. My primary and secondary results? Shocking:

Oh my gosh, the quiz has been reading my blog! (Do you think it just goes by which paint cans you pick in the screen shown above and ignores the rest? Let me know.)


Vacuum Queen said...

wow....leather stone and wood is definitely me - my house is completely boring browns and creams everywhere with leather furniture and a big stone fireplace. I also have with big bright paintings and they had Pop Art for me too. Have they seen my home?

zobars said...

I am desert spice and secondary is white spaces.

Donelda said...

Hi, I was al fresco first and pop art second. I'm not so sure about the pop art...not really me :-)

grace said...

The paint cans I chose (green and then blue) were my primary and secondary choices. I bet they had a great time making up all of those other questions!

Erica Tesla said...

I came up Desert Spice and Almond & Honey. :)

Erica Tesla said...

Re: grace -

I chose orange, dark purple, and blue, in that order, but I wound up with orange then yellow as my palettes - I'm not calling funny business. :)

Coveiter said...

It is telling me water beads and white spaces...not too sure about the blues but it was a fun quiz!

{ Lindsey }

Vicki Holdwick said...

My results came up the same as yours, but I didn't choose those two colors from the paint cans.

Not Debbie said...

i chose green, blue and red in that order and it came out al fresco and pop art in that order. pop art is definitely me. al fresco not so much.

Pintoo said...

Hey i got same results but the reverse in prim and sec

Anonymous said...

My cans (ha!) were plum, brown and then blue. My primary palette was 'pop art' and my secondary was 'water beads'. I'm really not a pop art girl... so, who knows. It was still fun. I love the quizzes and games you post!

PrincessMax said...

Water beads and almond and honey for me. Definitely taken directly from my paint choices.

Anonymous said...

I got two completely different colors than what I chose for the paint cans. Maybe that says something about me? Contradictory, perhaps?

Ellen said...

I chose green, red, then blue paint cans. I got Pop Art and Desert Spice. I asked the genie for energy and creativity. I don't think Pop Art is for me.

rebecca said...

I also got Desert Spice as my primary, and Almond & Honey as my secondary. Actually matches the walls in my apartment quite well right now... the main color is a pale golden yellow, and the accent color is a bright pumpkin. So it was dead on for me :)

Stacy said...

What a fun little activity. I have no idea how all those things went together, but it is creative. I chose green as my 3rd paint can and my first color palette was Al fresco. My second was the leather one. I think it got me pretty well. Thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

I wasn't surprised when it came up leather stone and wood. I was completely shocked by white spaces as my secondary.

Anonymous said...

I came up white spaces as promary - definately nothing to do with the paint colours since I chose chocolate, cream and red - although they may have something to do with my secondary being leather stone and wood. However, I HATE WHITE SPACES so they are off track with that. Come on a place doesn't have to be white to be calm!

janine de waal said...

Ah thanks man - this is so cool! I really enjoy these random quizes. ; ) I am the leather and whites - really cool man - and very acurate I might add!

Anonymous said...

Bang-on for me! fresco 2.pop art. That was fun, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I dig this quiz. It actually picked the color palettes that I like the most: Al Fresco and Almonds and Honey. Come to think of it, I believe my paint can choices were blue, green, and yellow. So, these palettes it presented to me are very close to the paint cans I picked. It was fun, though.

Anonymous said...

I came up pop art and almond & honey. The latter is probably right, but I can't really recognize myself in the first one... But fun quiz anyway - had serious trouble choosing which options to check, so that may have been what confused "it"... ;)

Michelle said...

Yeah, mine came up the same colors of the paint cans too... Hmmm... I wonder. But it was fun answering all the questions.

Abby and Stephanie said...

I'm Al Fresco and Water surprise to me. I LOVE Green and Blue...but Autumn is my favorite season. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

I came up with the same as you, though I choose the orange and green paint cans, still, they are fitting for me.

Kosmika said...

Pop Art and secondary Desert Spice.
...mmmm... not sure about all those saturated colors,i feel closer to desert spice... Ok, it's just a game, maybe today i'm just in an unusual mood :)

Chrissy said...

Ha! I got the same colors as you. No wonder I like your blog so much. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi There, I found the Test to be accurate. I was Dessert Spice and the secondary is Tapestry & Mosaic. Interesting Combination. The word Travel came into play and it was pretty right on.

Love reading your blog. Keep it up and orange happens to be my favorite color.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, Water Beads and Tapestry & Mosaic....a little too much beige for my liking, but other than that I guess it's fairly accurate.

But lots of fun anyways...

JanelleGrace said...

I am water beads and pop art. Neat.

Anonymous said...

I was Water Beads and Leather, Stone and Wood. They are totally me - especially the Water Beads, but both totally worked! Thanks, this was fun and I'm putting it on my blog. ;)

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I love these types of tests. I realized I was earthier than I thought when it came to making choices. Maybe because I kept thinking "wall paint" in my head. If it were accessories, I would've gone hog wild on the brights!

Lisa said...

I was really surprised (or maybe not since I am drawn to your blog) but my primary is also desert spice and secondary of al!

Alexandra said...

I'm just like you! Desert Spice and Al Fresco. Paint cans I chose were 1) blue, 2) orange, 3) green.

T. Kimberlyn said...

My paint choices were my final results

I'm leather stone/desert spice

Anonymous said...

I was desert spice & al fresco, guess that's why I love your blog.

katy said...

leather, stone, and wood were the #1, and...morning rose? for #2? that's weird, because i don't like pinks or soft or muted colors in decorating, at all. the first, definitely.
the color buckets i picked were brown, blue, green (in that order). which are the colors in my house - all deep. "morning rose" is just nonsense.

About Donny: said...

Ditto on the results. I had the exact same matches as you. That was a pretty neat quiz, although the results really don't tell much except explain paints to you.

Anonymous said...

I got the same as you and Alexa (my paint tins were orange, blue and green - in that order). Mmmm, something fishy going on here?

Unknown said...

Mine came up the same colors of the paint cans except brown but Al fresco + White Spaces are definitely me.

Anonymous said...

Mine did pick my #1 and #2 paint bucket colors (same as yours, but in reverse order) for the final results - but I had fun imagining my vacation cruise to Greek Islands!!!

Alfred T. Mahan said...

White Spaces and Water Beads. Go figure; the naval historian is represented by white and blue, which were my #2 and #1 choices.

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

woohoo...i've always been attracted to your site because it deals with absolute FAVORITE color (red is beginning to take a close second). Anyways, I took the quiz...drum roll please....desert spice AND pop art! Fits me to a tee!! Yipee!!

rachel said...

Your time wasters are such fun! Thank you for doing the hard slog for us by finding and sharing them.

Anonymous said...

I also got desert spice and al fresco - like you, and I, too, chose orange and green as my first and second paint cans. I think you're on to something, my dear...

all over the map said...

I was desert spice and pop art. Fun!

Andrea Baker said...

mine were the same as yours. Now hubby will take the quiz LOL

Ryan Green said...

I'm White Spaces and Al Fresco. Wow, that was pretty accurate! God, those images of oceans and talking about camping in the Grand Canyon really make me wish I was on vacation.

Anonymous said...

I'm al fresco then desert spice. Funny, because I've just picked from those palettes to paint our family room.

Janet said...

al fresco and white spaces, pretty much spot on.

Laurie said...

Leather,stone, & wood, along with almond &, that's me! And it wasn't based on the paint cans (just so you know). That was fun.

Anonymous said...

A great time waster. I think it's spot on - a Pop Art girl here - as well as spice.

Thanks for a great diversion this morning!

TranquilityKnots said...

Hi, I am Al Fresco and Almond & Honey. Very interesting! I actually used most of those color in my house! Amazing! Like the game went to my house!

AMM blog said...

I loved this! It was so fun! Thanks.

Fifi Flowers said...

that was fun... 1. alfresco 2. water beads

Anonymous said...

I do think it was based on what paint colors I chose and nothing else. But it was kind of fun and surprisingly introspective. : )

Miraisis said...

Almonds and Honey and Desert Spice. I don't see that as I sit in my blue and green bedroom!

Anonymous said...

I chose red, orange, and then lime green. I'm Pop Art first & Desert Spice second. Pretty accurate for me, actually.

Hedgehog said...

Had the same two faves as you - in reverse order. They were my first two on the color choice page...

Anonymous said...

I'm so desert spice, and it said leather and stone :-( anyway, the pop art 3 decor is so you!!!

Anonymous said...

I chose 1)green, 2)orange, 3)blue. I'm al fresco and desert spice. Our house is sage green with periwinkle trim....go figure.

Anonymous said...

so am I......

Bela said...

Tapestry & Mosaic and Pop Art. Hmm... not sure at all. Still, it was fun. Thanks for the link. :-)

Jennifer Simmons said...

I got the same answers as you, which isn't surprising when I was instantly attracted to a blog with the color orange in the title. I'm also a graphic designer - our aesthetic tastes are obviously very similar.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What fun! I put it on my blog, too :) You always find the neatest things!

Alya said...

I got White Spaces and Water Beads.. I think its really me, but I am drawn to other things too..

Also white and blue were the first 2 colors I picked, so I think that has something to do with the results.

janie said...

Hi! My Color sense is desert spice and tapestry&mosaic. So true! :)

Unknown said...

I was Al Fresco first and Desert Spice second :) And it rings pretty true!

trish said...

I didn't pick orange on the color palette as it wasn't my favorite out of all the colors. The orange they had wasn't as nice as a tangerine. :-)

BUT, they said my colors were Desert Spice and Almonds and Honey. PERFECT! I want to paint my living room a terra cotta and I love everything yellow. :-) Spot on, I think!

Mal said...


I am Morning Rose and Pop art.

cool little time waster there.

Anonymous said...

It's actually right: Al Fresco and Water Beads. My living room is green and my bedroom is light blue. How appropriate!!

observer said...

same as me!!
Desert Spice an Al Fresco!!

Sarah B said...

It says "leather, stone and wood" and "al fresco" but I'm totally "Pop Art" and "Morning Rose"
l,s&w were totally because I chose both horse related options my paint can colors were pale pink, light blue and lime green.

Aloutka said...

I'm Desert Spice and White Spaces for a second and I must say - it fits! Not for the colours (I love orange but I prefer whites) but for the psycho profile. Whatever brings you some self-knowlesge is great - as this quiz, I believe.

Sacha B (she/her) said...

Desert Spice and Al Fresco for me, too!

missbossypants said...

I chose blue and green paint cans, and wouldn't you know..... those are the colour groups that describe me! It's got to be a hoax! It's obvious I would choose those colours to surround me because they are my favourite(my bedroom is blue!)

Anonymous said...

ummm.... it's not there.... gimme the link please, thanks.