April 15, 2008

IKEA quiz

I heard a story on NPR yesterday about IKEA which referred to an online quiz about the retailer's product names. "Sounds fun," I thought to myself, so I googled and found this game. Try to match the IKEA name with the product. (I got 2 out of 10. Outstanding.) Every time you play, you get a new quiz. To learn how IKEA's naming conventions work, click here and impress your friends with your new factoids.

(Images from IKEA)


  1. I guessed completely blindly, and managed to get 4 out of 10. Wooo-hoo. I heart IKEA.

  2. Mmm obviously I am not a regular at IKEA I managed a score of 0! I found the naming process info interesting....I can only hope this information is needed in some quiz sometime!
    Keep up the good work.

  3. I had 3 out of 10. Pretty average, they say. Why don't they open a shop in my country? I am sure I would do it better. :)

  4. Wow I totally guessed that and got 5 out of 5. Actually one of them if I'd read it I would have gotten correct also, clock I think it was TikTak or something like that.

  5. 4 out of 10 - Not too bad; I knew 2 of them because of seeing the products at the store!

  6. I got a horrid 2 out of 10. I'm so ashamed.

    However, I L-O-V-E Ikea's new yellow console table. Sweet!

  7. 4 out of 10 . . .

  8. I got 7 out of 10, which proves I am a good guesser!

  9. man im really bad! luckily i was guessing.

    im totally going soon and buying there new gray couch! :D

    ikea ;]

  10. My score was 0.But it was fun trying to match them. Something else, I found that I can go on re read your blog.. Your ideas are simply great

  11. I'm not even going to take the test because I know I'll embarrass myself by getting them all correct, even though IKEA has only been open here in Ireland since January! I know the catalogue by heart, because I am a nerd.

  12. 6 out of 10 - it probably is an advantage if you have furnished your house almost exclusively with Ikea stuff, huh?

  13. I'm going to pass this along to a friend as she recently commented on how she thought Ikea came up with the most interesting names for all their stuff. Now she can be "in-the-know".
    I miss NPR.
    You always come up with fun time-wasters.I'd better go waste some time, hah!

  14. I love that their names actually make sense. I mean, if you speak the language. And here we always thought they were just kooky. There was a method...IKEA, I should have never doubted you.

  15. My friend speaks Swedish and she always translates the IKEA names for me. Like a sofa called "itchy best", I think she's pulling my leg! Thanks for the quiz link goodness. Tracey

  16. Wow, that Ikea article was very interesting. I amused all of my co-workers with the knowledge since they love Ikea as much as I do. :) Thanks for the link!

  17. 3 out of 10 - in spite of my house being full of their stuff. Those who enjoyed reading about the Ikea naming conventions may also like this article http://www.independent.co.uk/news/europe/ikea-and-loathing-whats-in-a-product-name-792774.html

  18. 6 out of 10... better at this IKEA game than the fonts... does that mean I spend too much time at IKEA and not enough time working?
