February 04, 2008

Modern Flora™ project gallery

Caroline sent over this photo of storage bins she and her mom have already made from The Fabric. I'm delighted! We've started a Flickr group for anyone who wants upload pix of their own projects or see what others have made. I've added a link to the sidebar so you can check out the gallery as it grows.

Update: Caroline made a tutorial for these!


  1. oooooh, good idea! I just got mine in the mail a few days ago and I had no clue what I was going to do with it. ;)

  2. Love the bins! Any way to get instrux? I have all these great mags I don't want to get rid of. This fabric is so versatile and hip...and perfect! gj!

  3. love the boxes - your friend has done a v detailed tutorial here:

    Hope you don't mind, I've done an orange inspired post, and mentioned your blog. will you be able to get your fabric in the UK?

  4. hi Jessica. i'm loving How About Orange, and not just because orange is one of my favourite colours!

    yesterday i wrote a post in my own blog about desktop wallpapers. i credited you because i found quite a few via HAO. i also mentioned your own wallpapers as well (they are lovely).

    the post is here if you would like a wee peek:


    lindsey clare.

  5. i saw this and thought of you, it's from Amy Karol's dotted apron flickr group... pretty soon some of your fabric will be used in one of these :)


  6. i don't think that link worked. sigh. i wonder if i can use html in comments?

    my blog post is here

  7. Kate, I LOVE that apron. OSS, I'm happy to see someone shares my wallpaper obsession.

  8. Ooooooooh I have just found you today! And thank goodness for that, because your fabric is just heavenly!

  9. I am impressed on so many levels... not only does it make your already-adorable fabrics look AMAZING, but how in the world has she finished so many projects?!? Tell me she's secretly had the fabric for 8 months! ;)

    Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with... plus how cool is that picture of the fabric being printed?!

  10. That is so amazing to see the fabric in action. That must really make it seem real!

  11. It is really a beautiful fabric!

  12. Nice and a great idea, just about to convert a bedroom into and office so I can store all my magazine (which seem to multiply everytime I look.. think I've got an addiction).

  13. I received the fabric from J Caroline today. It's very cool! The sprig design is larger than I thought...it'll work nicely. For now, I think I'm going to use the greens for placemats and the two with blue for all purpose grocery bags. Sounds boring, but who wants to lug around 9 plastic bags per trip when you can have stylish pea pod fabric from you? I'll post when I make them. For now, I just want to look at them. :)
    GOOD JOB! I'm jealous.

  14. LOVE them!!! LOVE the fabric!!
