November 12, 2007

Early DIY pencil cups

My mom just saw the previous post, commented "Still making pencil cups?" and took photos of a couple early iterations I apparently made. I have no memory of these, but obviously they're sitting in her house somewhere. Boy, are they awesome.

Whoops! Ran out of blue paint on the back?

I have mastered the scissors.


  1. You've come a long way, baby!!!

    And don't even THINK of replacing them with newer models... these are priceless treasures! :-)

    Love you, baby...

  2. This is awesome! I love seeing how you've developed as an artist:)

  3. Very sweet. Why only dad? What did you make for your mom?

  4. I can SMELL that blue paint. Wow. Brings me back to Mrs. Schwed's nursery class.

  5. Moms are funny in what they save...those are the sweetest pencil cups ever! I wonder what I will save and show my three children when they are older?

  6. your mom is awesome. mine won't touch a computer much less digitally photograph and send me pics of pencil holders I'd made in my childhood via the internet.
    she rocks!

  7. You and your mom are fabulous. Great photography. :-D

  8. Yeah, what did I make for Mom? Why are these only for Dad? Do you have presents sitting around somewhere, Mum?

  9. Yep! I have another terrific treasure... even better than Dad's. But you have to wait a bit. I've got some other things I have to finish first (housework-type things - yuck - but I'm on a roll so I don't dare stop! ;-) ). I'll photograph it and send to you later.

    Sorry to keep you all in suspense!

    Thanks for the nice things you've said!!


  10. That blue one is cool, how many lollys did you have to eat to make it? Can't wait to see what you made for your mom. My mom still has some of my first school books, the ones where I had to write about my "news" they are quite funny.
    BTW there is a bit of something for you over on my blog

  11. I love them!
    And I love that your mom still has them :) How sweet!

  12. Your mum is a superhero! When I turned 18, mine handed over my baby book and then cleaned out my room. ha!

  13. When I was in kindergarten I made my dad a "knick knack" holder from the bottom of a bleach bottle (weighted down with plaster of Paris - ah, the 70's) with holly leaves and berries cut from felt glued all over it. He used that thing every single day to put his wallet and keys in for over 25 years. (My mom graciously let it sit on the dresser.) One time, when I was a teenager I saw him gluing the felt leaves back on it and even though I tried to act all cool about it, I never forgot how special it was to see him repair that funky old bottle.

    How cool that you have pictures of those priceless treasures!

  14. I've enjoyed reading the sweet homemade gift stories you've elicited from your readers. Neat.

    I love how you are still being drawn to the same things, how your personality was developed even as 14-year-old. (hehe, just kidding. I know you are at most 12 when you made those.)

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. LOL!!!! Only a Mom!!! She's great!

  16. How sweet is that she still has them. Moms keep all those lovely things we create. Every once in a while my mom comes out with "Remember this" and it brings laughter. So much fun. I love it! It's especially great that you just made some and have the *originals* to compare. You have improved, tee hee.

  17. Your mom's comment cracks me up - a couple years ago I was working for a company who had me making sample books - so I sat at a desk and cut and pasted pieces of fabric onto a book - my dad said that nothing had changed in 20 years as that was exactly what I was doing when I was 5! (except I probably had a lollipop in my mouth when I was 5)

  18. Wendee, that's such a heartwarming story! This is fun, guys! I love all your stories. Corner, that's pretty funny.

  19. told you they save the darndest things!!! too cute!!! Hugs Linda

  20. What I love is that the cups are still being used! Amazing.

  21. Awww! Very sweet :-) Your early work is SO avant-garde!
