November 02, 2007

Coffee pot recommendation

We've had this Bialetti stovetop espresso maker for almost a year, and I love it. As Alex regularly reminds me: "You love that thing." So does he. We have the 6-cup stainless steel model. I'm not convinced it actually makes 6 espresso-sized cups, but it makes enough espresso for a latte for each of us. We put some milk in two cups and microwave it for a minute; then dump in the brewed espresso (we grind Metropolis beans). SO GOOD. Not to mention the pot design is very attractive and simple to clean.

(Image from Bialetti)


  1. Bialetti has really nice designs. When were were in Italy last we almost picked up a similar Bialetti pot and we're sorry we decided against it (being both poor students at the time). Anyways, my husband is now in love with his Gaggia made Kitchen Aid Pro-line machine. It's almost embarrassing when people come over and see that monster. My favorite was the sleek red Francis Francis that we used to have before this one, but it was too problematic and finally broke.

  2. Wow, what's a Francis Francis? Sleek and red sounds pretty fun.

  3. lovely machine! This was my favorite (!

  4. If you ever feel like tea, take a look at BEEHOUSE teapots from Japan.

    Here's a picture of mine:
    See photo

    It's an appropriate color for this site - Carrot.

  5. Hi, I am Elisa, from Venice (Italy). I like your orange web site!
    Here we use an old bialetti pot (in Italy we call it "moca") for the normal coffee (like an espresso) and an old red Gaggia machine for the espresso.
    Bye, Eli

  6. I hear that you guys know how to make good coffee!

  7. I love the shape of this pot. I need to find a really nice one because I am such a huge coffee drinker.
