December 16, 2006

Controversy in the Jones house

This (fill in the blank) has been a cherished part of Alex's Christmas memories; IT's older than he is. We have inherited IT. But what is IT? Without naming names, one of us insists IT is a cute Christmas elf. The other is certain IT is a creepy gnome lawn ornament. The debate rages. Could you guys help us settle this once and for all? PLEASE vote: elf or gnome? Creepy or charming?


  1. That face is definitely what creepy nightmares are made of.

  2. gnome. and charming. at least when the wheelbarrow is in the picture - that helps make it!

  3. If the package came with it, I'd say it's an elf. If not, it's probably a lawn ornament. How big is it?

    But it doesn't matter if it's an elf or a gnome (or creepy or charming)... if it's a 'cherished' part of Alex's Christmas memories, then it's 'important' (and of course must stay, if that's part of the controversy)! ;-)


    P.S. Maybe that's what Florida elves look like???

  4. Santa gnome, creepy in closeup.
    Charming with the cart.

  5. There is no question! It is an elf; just look at those beautiful blue eyes, the red hat and the white beard. I think the face has a gentle, mystic look about it. He has definetly been working in Santa's workshop.

    From a geezer who knows!!

  6. I don't think it's particularly attractive...but if it has good memories for Alex, DON'T ditch it!

    Gosh... All the "warm memories" we can keep from childhood are a good thing...even if they're attached to an....ummmmmm...strange looking object??

    I vote the little critter stays...

  7. Creepy gnome. Don't ditch it - enter it into the Shelteriffic contest!

  8. The leaves between his feet say 'garden'. You don't find growing things like that at the North Pole!

  9. Yikes - I have to say totally creepy. You have to keep it of course, but I would use it as part of your Halloween decorations. You know there's a head in that package...

  10. soo creepy! i'd put buy it a friend and but it out in the garden.. :-)

  11. Place this cherished part of Alex's Christmas memories in a place of prominence on your Christmas evergreen, I say! We all have items that we inherit that may not appeal to others, but they have significance to us; this is one of his.

    Alex, I'm with you, man! Sorry, Jess, but I back him on this one. It's an elf with a...wheelbarrow bearing a present.

  12. Let me allay everyone's fears: we're keeping him for sure, creepy or not. But we're sick of arguing about whether the thing is an elf or gnome (I know, truly a matter of life and death.) So to settle it, we agreed we'd post him on the blog and accept the majority's verdict. (Alex even approved the photos to make sure our creature was presented in the most flattering way.) So thanks for your comments!

    (Oh, and he's 2 feet tall and the empty wrapped box got added to the display a couple decades ago, apparently. Neither of us knows what's in it. Could be a head.)

    And pinkmohair, GREAT IDEA! Except I just checked and the contest has expired. Bummer.

  13. gnome. creepy. :)

    Just found your blog via cake & pie. it's awesome. love all the how-to's n stuff :)

  14. creepy creepy creepy!!! I'm going to have nightmares! he's definitely a gnome, and the fact that he's 2 feet high absolutely adds to the creepy part of my vote :-)

  15. hee hee! its funny!
    i guess I'd say charmong gnome with creepy tendencies in the wrong light...

  16. got to be a gnome...and i vote funny over creepy or charming. that face is hillarious. a keeper.

  17. 1. Definitely an elf. Can't decide on the creepy factor.

    2. If it is older than Alex, then by golly it is an official family keepsake, which your kids someday may be fortunate enough to inherent.

    3. If it comes with a gift every year... by all means keep it!

  18. That is one creepy creepy gnome

  19. It is indeed a gnome with some treasure he was entrusted to guard. (I did a little research this morning).

    Even if he is a lawn ornament, gnomes should be allowed to celebrate Christmas,especially one as charming as this.

    This particular one appears to be of German origin, around the late 1960s. Probably has a rainbow in the box but you can't open it lest it escape.

  20. Ahhh... yes! If you google "garden gnome", you find all kinds of his relatives! ;-)


  21. I vote creepy gnome.

  22. I vote gnome. I vote creepy if you're getting up in the middle of the night to get water and it startles you... or has moved from it's original place.

  23. Creepy gnome all the way. SCARY!
    Get rid of it Jess!

  24. it doesn't have pointy ears, it is a bonified garden creepy gnome!

  25. Charming gnome.
    It's adorable.
